Edinburgh, Scotland UK

Feb 15th.

Well, as I told most of you before, I am now in Edinburgh Scotland, and I must say that it is a very beautiful place indeed. Not only are the sights amazing, but the people are nice, weather is mild, and the vibe, well lets just say the sheer age of everything makes the vibe a lot like Rome's, but everything is green, not tan and gold. Every step I take here, I know deep in my soul that there is only more to be seen, just around the corner. I like this feeling, and I look forward to more of the same medicine in the months to come. These elements make me feel as though I am filling a void in my heart and mind l that has been yelling to be remedied from birth.

I am not going to tell you everything I have done, and I am not going to show you all the things I have seen and taken a picture of, that is because I have taken about 400 pictures so far.

So, I have been shown greater Edinburgh by My good friend's parents, Graham and Jan Hill, as most of you may know them by just plain old, "Logan's Parents." At this point, I can assure you that Logan is lucky to have had two great people around most of his life, and his little brother is good shit too. Anyway, I have been driven to the near and far end of Edinburgh by the Hill's, and learned a boat load about the country and the history behind it. Cal, the youngest, was kind enough to bring me to his Friday night, "Football Game," most of you are saying soccer, and you are right. The Soccer game was amazing, got my ass worked by a bunch of Scottish buzzards that smoke more then the local power plants, then to the bar to drink away the blisters on the bottom of my feet.

The Long and short. Scotland from what I now know, is an amazing place, and there is a lot more to be seen. Maybe next time, I have enough to go on for a few years. I am off to London next week, and I will do my best to keep you all up to date.

Below is a link to a web page I have made with just a few images I have taken. I hope you all enjoy them, please let me know what you all think. If you would like me to remove you from this list, you can go F**k yourself. Just kidding, drop me a line and I will disown you as a friend.. Please do reply to this message, just don't reply all. Take care. //db

Edinburgh from Arthur's Seat.

Edinburgh Castle.

Prince's Street From Above.

The Nicest Trash Can I have ever seen.

I just had to take this picture.

Monument at Scotland's Disgrace.

Building on Scotland's Disgrace.

Scott Monument.

A beautiful street in Culross, built in early 1600.

The amazing Queens Ferry Rail Bridge.

My Great Hosts, Graham And Jan Hill, on the top of Aurthur's Seat.

Any Questions, e-mail me at db@swingpad.com

All Images are Copyright of Dan Benson.