My uncle John, Very Focused.
Guillaume Loving it in the mountains.
The Classic Itallian pose, performed by the not so Italian women.
Jan and Graham Hill, Again very focused.
Domi trying to look inocent, nice try girl.
Cal Hill showing his skills.
What a balancing act. Amazing.
Bella Kiker showing me how great her smile is.
Kate in Paris at the front of the Louvre. I said, "Kate, do something silly." Well done.
I think the lady should be worth 100 points and an extra life. What do you all think?
Flo and Luk Foskett. Just look at those eyes.
The Venician way of life.
Killer shirt dude.
Cute girl, but someone needs to clue her into the thong revolution. Heck, go without for that matter!
Ok, they are not people, but they are acting just like a bunch I know. The Brits, no respect for the public.
Hanna and Frida, drinking it up in Sweden. Good times.
Bart is a little shy, I dove right in with this one. I got nowhere, she was tough as bronze.
My sister Abby in front of the Spanish Steps in Rome.
These kids were killing me. I swear the mopeds almost tipped a few times. No Parents in sight. Paris. Scarey.
Getting some rays in Holland, the dog wants nothing to do with it.
Tourists in Florence. Cool looking hallway.
My floor mate in Paris. Her name is LuLu, and she spoons better then anyone I have ever met. Kidding.
Bart, Birgit, and Micha Van Praag.
How about that dress? Man..
All images are Copyright of Dan Benson.