Page Two:

This is a ruler for the water level on the Seine. I am 6 foot tall, and this starts about that from the walkway along the river,

the walkway is was about nine feet from the water when I was there, so for this to be used, something very bad must have happened.

A Mini, need I say more. The Statue agrees at least.

The contrast of the sky to the buildings just killed me, I just had to take this picture.

An Egyptian oblique at the Place De La Concorde. To bad it started raining, (white spot in lower part of oblique).

Place Charles De Gaulle. I am sure there was no need to tell you all that.(I almost got killed taking this.)

Palace Du Luxembourg.

"I have a feeling we are not in NYC anymore."

In America you see this type of thing with Bicycles, here it is Motor Bikes. Again, just had to take this.

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