From the eyes of Dan Benson....

February 26th.

When you go to Paris, or France for that matter, make sure you know more French then I do, that is: Bon-Jour, parle vous English, Marci, and Je appelé Dan. Paris is an amazing town with it's small winding roads, white and yellow painted buildings, and all the dog shit you could ever want to see (They do not have to pick up there dog's leftovers here, so they don't).

I have been in Paris for about five days now, and have not seen the same thing twice. The first day here, I walked from the outer edge of the city to the very middle. Here I saw Notre Dame Cathedral, Pont Neuf, The Louvre, The Eiffel Tower and much much more. Paris feels like Rome in many ways, everything I saw was older then anything I have ever know, and beautiful. When I say beautiful I should explain. Here they make everything beautifully: Metro Entrances, court yards, public bathrooms, stairs, walkways, parks, statues, women, you name it. Anyway, I have walked just about the whole town and still have only seen half. There are more museums then anywhere I have been before, all worth seeing. Unlike Rome, one can navigate Paris very easily. There are many landmarks you can rely on when walking, and there is the Seine River, the best navigation tool I have had in a city yet. I have walked the city, as well as used the Metro. The Metro is easier to use then the NYC MTA, and I cannot even read the signs. If any of you ever come to Paris, do not get in a car or rent a scooter, unless you want to die.

There are a lot of great things here, and I have done my best to check some of them out. The biggest problems I have had here are as follows: When I ordered a coffee for the first time, I got a shot glass and a thank you. When I go to eat dinner or lunch, I have no idea what the menu says, and I get what the guy next to me is having, in most cases it is a bad move ( I am the pickiest eater known to man.) Not bad for being here mostly on my own right? The coffee the second time around was and is great, and at this point, I am really starting to like it, no sugar, no water, and a little cream. My god, what is happening to me. The food is as great as everyone always says it is, just as long as someone orders for me.

I have stayed with my sister's old friend Kate. She and her roommate were kind enough to have a guy crash on their couch for a few days. Kate even took me out on the town a few nights, thank god for that, I needed a beer, (Thank's Kate.) I have met a few good people here, and had a very good time, but there is no doubt that the next time I return, I will know a lot more French and hopefully have someone to enjoy it with. Places like Paris, Rome, Venice, they are not supposed to be seen by a guy traveling around with a backpack and too much testosterone. These places are here to be walked, seen and enjoyed with someone. I have loved every second I have spent here, and will miss it dearly.

I am off to Holland next, then to Praag, then to Switzerland, Italy, Greece, so on. I think that internet access will be harder and harder to find from here on, so my updates will be less frequent. To some of you, this may be a good thing, so I am pleased to bore you less. Hope you are all well, and as always, I have posted some photos on the net for you all. I have organized the site a bit so you can navigate it more easily, I hope you all enjoy them and let me know what you think.. Take Care.. //db

The River Seine.

Notre Dame from the Arab Institute.

Notre Dame from the Garden.

A Classic Street on the South side of the Seine.

The outer wall of the Arab Institute, each panel has multipule apertures, all of them adjust.

A closer look at the apertures.

The Vouvre Museum, housing much of the priceless artifacts Napoleon stole from countries he conquered.
You can spend days in this Museum and never see the same thing twice.

The Miss Mona Lisa.

A gate in the gardens of the Louvre.

My feet are tired. Must, sit, down.....

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