Today we flew to Summit Camp, this is one of the main bases in Greenland used by the NFS, and many other Scientific institutes, mostly they do ice core drilling here as the ice is about 10,000 feet thick. I might mention that this site is at 10,000 feet and was in the area of 5 to 10 degrees without the wind. Hey man, I was rocking a killer tan from the beach, this is just another day on the job.

When these LC130's land on the ice they taxi to where they are parking and then raise the ski to put the plane on the wheels. If they don't do this the friction of the planes weight on the skies melts the ice and if the plane stops the Ski can freeze in less then a minute and the plane will be stuck..

Welcome to Summit Camp on the Greenlandic Ice Cap. Funny how the ice looks the same no matter what pole your on.

The local Home Depot.

The local Gas station. I wonder if they are getting as fucked as I am with these gas prices. $210 a week for me baby. Uber ouch mate.

Tent City yo!

This is Mark. He is a real ball buster. Had me doing shot after shot one night up here. Funny sonofa.

Disko Bay from 700 feet. This is a huge city as compared to where we are staying.

Low left bank. It is very strange to fly around like this in such a big plane. I guess after a while, a plane is a plane is a plane is a plane you know.

How many of you have been to Newport? That there is bigger then two Rose Islands (The island with the light house under the Newport Bridge for all you posers).

I am a techy so this kind of shit impresses me and here I am making you look at it. Suckers..

Why on earth would you goto a place like this on a boat like that and Icebergs just chilling all over? And just a friendly reminder, I do not use a zoom lens, this is a 50MM so you can start to get an idea of how low these boys fly. They are very good at it. I was impressed.

We did an airport flyby at Disko Bay. That is a the reflection of the plane I am on on the ground. Scary low man. Best time I have ever had on an airplane. Well, maybe not the best time, but we will just leave that alone.

Copy my images and I will kill you in your sleep, or just plain old sue you. They are Copyright of Dan Benson.